Are Steroids Effects Gender Biased?

Anabolic steroids are synthetically synthesized forms of hormones such as testosterone and dihydrotestosterone hgh Steroids. While the use of steroids are more common in men, but nowadays both men and women are taking up steroids to get maximum benefit of various steroids effects.

Since everything comes with its own price, steroids also have some of the deleterious side effects which can affect both physical and psychological well-being of an individual. But it is generally seen that women who choose to use the anabolic steroids face deleterious effects of steroids as compared to men who are using the same anabolic steroids capsiplex Burn. This may be due to the introduction of a substance into the woman’s body which is not naturally found there. Testosterone is a male sex hormone and when women take it, she may experience a lot of alterations and its effects in the body.

Few of the anabolic steroids effects seen in women are menstrual dysfunctions, growth of facial hair, deepening of the voice, baldness, enlarged clitoris. Women who use the steroids will develop a leaner and a more muscular look buy anavar. She will lose her curves with the development of more masculine figure. Moreover, shrinkage of breast tissue is also seen in some. Many of these deleterious effects of steroid are irrevocable even with the discontinuity of the use of steroids.