Weight Loss Supplements – Do They Really Work?

Most health foods stores and supermarkets have a variety of weight loss supplements, many of which claim to achieve remarkable results adipex weight loss. Although it is tempting to stock your kitchen cupboards with bottles and bottles of weight loss ‘potions’, some have been known to have more reliable results than others. This article looks at four popular weight loss supplements and whether they are worth your bucks.

Green Tea

According to weight loss website, weightloss.com.au, green tea comes from the Camellia Sinensis Bush family and generally speaking some of the highest quality types come from China, Japan, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and India weight loss clinic over the counter. Many research studies have shown that drinking green tea has a positive effect on weight loss as well as our general health. In addition to this, substances such as theanine are present in the tea which may raise your metabolism and suppresses appetite. Green tea has also shown to increase the body’s ability to burn fat (fat oxidation) which has also been attributed partially to the relatively high levels of caffeine in green tea, although the levels are not as high as coffee, for example where to buy Metermine in Australia.

Green tea has not only been found to be good for weight loss but it is also known to be beneficial for a variety of other conditions such as reducing the risks of some forms of cancer, lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems Duromine weight loss. Many researchers believe that in order to obtain the maximum benefits of green tea it is advisable to drink as much as five to ten cups a day.